Beghelli Sanifica Aria 200UV-C Sanitize Air Purifier (Meeting specified specifications for dine-in restaurants)

- Model: SanificAria200
Continuous and safe disinfection Air disinfectant devices with patented UV-OXY technology
Effective on up to 99.9% of all present bacteria and virus
The fan is heading the air into the SanificaAria device and after contact with the ultraviolet light comes out disinfected. This regulated emission UV-C disinfection system reduces up to 99,9% of viruses and bacteria and has no contraindication because it prevents damaging direct contact with the ultraviolet rays and also prevents the ozone from being created in the process.
UVOxy Technology
For the removal of polluting substances from the air, Beghelli uses technology, which doesn't interfere in the human daily regime and which replicates and amplifies the natural cleansing effect of the sunshine. From the observation of nature, uvOxy® was born, a continuous ecological disinfection process, which is built on a closed system saturated with UV-C rays, through which the contaminated air circulates and is being disinfected there. Microorganisms contained in the air are deactivated during contact with the UV-C rays, which at a specific ray length activates the maximum germicide capacity.
The SanificaAria 200 is an all-inone solution that safely filters and sanitizes the air via a variable speed axial fan intake that draws air into the closed chamber containing the UV-C source. This chamber is where the process of sanitization is carried out. The UV-C cartridge with UvOxy® technology is installed inside the unit and has an average service life of 12* months. Cartridge replacement is easy and ensures the purification properties of the SanificaAria 200 over time. SanificaAria 200 can be controlled by means of an integrated button or a simplified bluetooth APP. The device is also available in a connected version with dedicated APP DOM-e Beghelli for remote control of parameters and activation time.